Monday, January 31, 2011

Vigamox And Dilated Eyes

Happy Feast of St. John Bosco!

If you're reading this post almost certainly at least once in your life have you encountered and / or heard of Don Bosco and his oratory. Today, January 31, the date of his death, we celebrate him to thank him once again to have spent his whole life for us young people. It is still present among us, inspiring and consecrated lay people who invent and renew every day for us.
Beyond your belief and your faith, know that a man named John took care of all our problems. He did so in the nineteenth century, in Italy that saw many young people lose in the streets and become thieves and criminals. Today, Italy has changed, but still need support for us. Today we talk about insecurity, absence of youth policies, dependence, decay of values \u200b\u200b... we still need men and women take control of the situation to reverse.
If in your life just a moment x rejoiced in meeting you attend Don Bosco and his oratory, then today is the day to remember. And if you want to do more, noon to 17.00 Don Marcello, a Salesian of Catania, will celebrate Mass in his honor at the church of San Giovanni Evangelista (next to the hostel of the Village). Following a round table in the hall of the parish of Holy Stefano will involve the Mayor of P. Armerina, other politicians and young people and not in a panel discussion entitled: "Youth is the most valuable part of human society."

" Today is the day of the Salesians. Salesians in the world means not only being young in age but also in spirit! Don Tonino Bello, speaking to young people under the principles of Don Bosco, said that society and the future is us! Young critics! full of love! And to be critical must be able to love and pray! he places by the hatred of the enemy and to love as if it were iniziatelo il vostro fratello più piccolo! Perciò pregate per lui e pregherete per il Cielo, non vi sarà uomo più giusto di voi se farete questo! E la luce che illumina i nostri passi vincerà nel buio che li ostacola! W Don Bosco! "

" Se vuoi farti bono pratica queste tre cose e tutto andrà bene: allegria, studio e preghiera! E' questo il programma per vivere felici, farà molto bene all'anima tua e agli altri " (Don Bosco)


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