Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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vegetables sauteed pumpkin muffins

I suggest a quick meal fried vegetables with the addition of bacon to make them more delicious, here gli ingredienti:



2 zucchine

2 carote

3 patate

1 fetta di pancetta

olio evo qb

erbe della provenza qb





Take the onion thin and brown with the oil then add the carrots, zucchini, thinly sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes, chopped broccoli, salt and pepper, add the herb provence, let it cook for a bit 'and then add the bacon. Often I'll prepare this dish when I go to work, goes well with rice in India, we can say is delicious un piatto completo carboidrati e proteine.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Can You Mix Oxycodone And Klonopin

250 gr farina (di grano o di riso), 100 gr zucchero grezzo di canna, 120 gr olio di mais biologico, 100 ml latte di soia, la buccia di un limone non trattato grattugiata, 3 uova, lievito per dolci (cremortartaro).
Mix all ingredients then pour into a cake pan and bake at 180 ° C for 40 min.

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Bechamel without milk sponge cake recipe

Prepare white sauce with 500 ml of soy milk, 2 tablespoons flour, nutmeg and salt dissolving well to avoid lumps. Cook over medium heat until it is thick enough.

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... here's another recipe x crepes without milk ...

Ingredients: 4 heaping tablespoons of flour, a cup of soy milk, 2 eggs, salt.
stir and let stand 2 hours

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In this section you will find many of my recipes, my passion !!!!, and among these many saranno senza latte perchè purtroppo la mia Principessa è allergica a questo alimento e quindi abbiamo modificato lo stile di vita di tutta la famiglia...senza risentirne nel gusto nè nella forma, nei colori e nei profumi...Provare per Credere!!!!

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...dal sito di Butta la Pasta...le Crepes senza latte !!!

La ricetta tradizionale delle crepes richede il latte e un pochino di burro per la pastella e poi il burro per cuocerle, e tutto cio’ le rende improponibili per chi per allergie o intolleranze deve evitare il latte e i suoi derivati come il burro . E’ ovvio che potete usare il latte soy or rice but the taste is not always satisfactory, and this recipe solves the problem and suggested to use water and white wine . The result at the end of crepes are pleasantly flavored with wine and reading.

Ingredients for crepes without milk (serves 4)

Preparation Mix the flour with the eggs.

Stir the mixture to the mixture of water and white wine warm. Flavor with liqueur chosen.

Let the dough rest at least half an hour, but an hour is better.

When cooking the crepes add a drop of oil. Proceed in the cooking of these special crepes without milk as for the other, maovvviamente grease the pan with a little oil, instead of butter.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Great Canyon National Park

Disposofobia crepes without milk ... not wanting to throw away anything ...

carried an article, very interesting Manuela Bianchi www.girlpower that I found on the site, about the very common DISPOSOFOBIA ... I think may be of interest to some of us all ...!!!

By Manuela Bianchi

disposofobia_1 The English call it compulsive hoarding , you mean "build-compulsive disorder", we better known as disposofobia or even " attic full syndrome "is a pathological disorder obsessive that forces its victims to collect objects on objects - useful or not - without being able to give even a brake when the situation goes much further that this irresistible collection of "real" get to literally invade the home and prevent the movement between the four walls.

Maria Rita Parsi, a professor of General Psychology 2 University Uniecampus telematics and founder of SIPA (Italian School of Psicoanimazione), defines a "pulse accumulation that does not allow you to select and door, over time, the loss of control , "adding that" it is a typical behavior of insecure people, who can not choose subjects emptied. In general, this applies to all, grows with the disclaimers, and these are people who do not know give priority to things, since the objects. "

The roots of the mechanism in short, both in its milder form than in pathological conditions, more and psychological bill, as saying that the issue of space, in reality, nothing more than the reflection of a problem ' soul. In this regard, Nicole White, an expert in relational dynamics, from the pages of "Psychologies Magazine" says: "The pain in throw away something that would hold even if no use is basically twofold: we suffer for the posting in itself, and because the objects are seen as an extension of oneself, one's emotions. "

And if there is a common matrix, the input multipliers are : some accumulates in the name of "you never know, might still serve," who tend to believe it is because the classic "Habe ergo sum "and others, perhaps, the unconscious fear of forgetting what it was. In the first case it is an attitude that reveals a great fear , namely that the future is preserved as much as possible to prevent and avoid any needs that will even so, from time to time, the steps obliged to surrender and accept that any resulting inevitably in self-renewal. Adults who project a rather excessive value on possession would disclose, according to psychoanalysis, a personality so-called "anal", a term used to describe that stage of growth of the child in which they learn the concept of giving and the concept of ownership, not it is often the case in subjects who received an education very rigid - and thus demanding - who ended up creating confusion on the balance between giving and receiving.

disposofobia_2 Finally, we said, there are those who keep memories of memories: the objects of the past, in this case, in addition to the emotional factor and sacrosanct reminiscent provide the proof of its existence and then an affirmation of identity, to define us as if our possessions were and our actions. In short, different paths that lead, however, a result which is always the same, you mean the triumph of the superfluous and lack of space, all of which come to think of a moment - and without bothering to go to the real disease - are safely in bad habits of many. And for those

che già da tempo stavano rimuginando a come correggere il tiro ma continuano a rimandare perché proprio non ci riescono, 3 sono i trucchi per cominciare a farsi largo fra le cianfrusaglie e ridare ossigeno a ripiani e cassetti:

1. Prima di tutto individuare nel mucchio (o nei mucchi) gli oggetti “insalvabili” : dalla sorpresa impolverata dell’ovetto Kinder fino al pennarello che non funziona più da tempo immemore, qualsiasi cosa anche se minuscola è pur sempre un gioioso centimetro di potenziale spazio guadagnato.

2. Ogni giorno un angolo . Roma non fu costruita in un giorno e lo stesso is for us to empty the bag free from the musty pounds of receipts and empty packs of cigarettes last month will only take a few minutes and there will be no excuse (work, children bring to kindergarten, fitness room that faces the question of the day) taking.

3. Learn over time to keep the space recreated and throw new things that are not needed as you go. Prevent, as someone said, it is better than cure, and also, especially in these cases, half the effort and double the performance.

then certainly useful, if you wish, some reading theme, for example "The space cleaning " Gigi Roe (ed. Xenia, 125 pg, 6.50 €) or even " The Laws of Simplicity "by John Maeda (edited by Bruno Mondadori, pg 147, 10 €) a sort of guided tour, organized into 10 rules, which is specifically aimed at developing a better balance in the conduct of everyday life.

But beyond the right advice and - for those who gave them to us - the good intentions, however, remain the two main factors: first of all awareness of their situation and, equally importantly, the desire to improve. That ci sia il bisogno dell’aiuto di uno psicoterapeuta o semplicemente di una bella mano di pulizia, insomma, il concetto parla chiaro: impegnarsi per migliorare fa crescere, fa bene, e la zavorra, a quanto pare, alla linea non giova ma alla vita neppure.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

South Park Streaming Iphone


Veterans from the book fair LGBT Bookout happy and tired! Here is a picture of one of utiilzzata segnaibri and exhibition in collaboration with Arcilesbica Pisa.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Convert Recessed Light To Track

What Kind Of Risotto Is On Hell's Kitchen Green

my delicious recipe!

Seguitemi perchè stanno per arrivare tante novità...prima fra tutte una sezione dedicata completamente alla cucina...e poi una tutta dedicata ai bambini...a presto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Smallest Canon Slide Scanner

Bookout Bookout

This weekend, I will be exhibiting at Bookout with some unpublished plates realizzatra specially for the event, in collaboration with Pisa Arcilesbica

Bookout realizes LGBT Book Fair, the first event of its kind in Italy. The fair takes place in Pisa on 12-13-14 November 2010 at the Stazione Leopolda with the stands of publishers and libraries, complemented by lectures, performances, debates, readings, workshops and awards of the literary competition for high school students.

Bookout is a cultural event created to promote the production editorial addressing the issues of sexual orientation, gender identity and more generally to the lives of lesbian, gay and transgender people, both in fiction as in nonfiction.
fall within the interest of neighboring Bookout also issues such as gender studies, the relationship between secularism and religious culture, education otherness, the integration of minorities ...

Come to us!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Black And Decker B1800 Bread

Landscapes Landscapes Big Big Beng Beng 2

Lo scorso anno sono stata selezionata per il progetto ITALIA CREATIVA , un progetto per il sostegno e la promozione della giovane creatività italiana a cura della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento della Gioventù , in collaborazione con Lucca Comics&Games. La mostra Work Show, saggio finale del progetto si è svolta dal 29 ottobre al 01 novembre, durante i giorni della fiera Lucca Comics and Games 2010, presso l’auditorium san Romano Lucca.
Qui di seguito le mie tavole

Wording For 2nd Birthday

London landscape ... and the station at Lucca

Post Infection Pedicure

Characters Big Ben Big Ben shows tables

characters for the two groups and Samucat Tigers by Gerund

Softball Poems And Quotes

eposte Some of the tables at the show in San Romano ... I start with the tables for the submission of papers, the characters are designed by Naoto Katana Milena Ciccarello, while the texts on which we have worked with Rocco Leo

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chickon Pox Vaccine Prevent Shingles

End of 2010

days have been really intense, despite the rain ... we survived a small photo gallery ...
exhibition of Big Ben and the meeting with Terry Brooks! Greetings to all the artists and friends met at the fair:)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Astronomy 25x100 What Can You See

La ricetta di questi muffins l'ho trovata in questo sito, ecco il link:
L'ho preparati ieri in occasione di halloween, sono stati apprezzati, anche me mi sono molto piaciuti, a parte che non sono tanto amante della zucca. Ecco qui la ricetta
Ingredienti dosi per 6 persone
300 grams of flour
200 grams of pumpkin
180 grams of sugar
1 tablespoon baking
100 ml of milk
50 ml of oil (I used the oil Valsoia)
2 eggs
a pinch of cinnamon
a pinch of nutmeg
Peel the pumpkin by removing the seeds and filaments, cut into pieces and cook in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes or until it is soft. In a bowl place the flour, sugar and crushed the pulp of the cooled pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, a pinch of salt and mix together. In another bowl, beat eggs and add the milk and oil and mix together all of the flour mixture, add yeast, pine nuts and mix well together until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous. In a pan of muffins and the appropriate cups spread the mixture and bake in oven preheated to 170-180 degrees for 20 -25 minutes and serve cold. (I used a silicone mold for muffins).