Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Epipen & Adult & Holder

Monuments Lucchesi + 1

Graphite 2010
A series of art cards made by Edizioni Moriconi, on the monuments of Lucca as an intruder outside ... guess which one;)

My Dog Has A Large Blister

International Music

2010, digital

Illustration for the debut album, "The Nation Well" of the american group E2DAp That will be publish in the late 2010, in the U.S.A.
more infmation about it on e2dap.com

Illustrazione per il libretto del cd di esordio "Pozz the Nation" del gruppo musicale americano E2DAP, che uscirà verso la fine del 2010 sul mercato U.S.A

informazioni sul gruppo e sul cd su

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Create A 3d Cell Model Withoutjello

nutella tart without cooking! To all bloggers

Ciao a tutti, after a while 'time I came back in the kitchen, this time I did not have time to post after the holidays I had to fix various things, nuvi to always be there ... I suggest that this no-bake pie, a recipe I was suggested by my colleagues, yesterday I did try to my friends, I was invited to dinner, I had never tasted it because they like to taste new things .. here are the ingredients:
200 grams of biscuits
100 g of coconut faric
water as needed.
nutella taste.
who give up chocolate, I no for sure! is when I was a child, do not tell you how much chocolate, then in the days tristoline I can stick to, even more now I should not eat, but sometimes I take the plunge spoon in the jar! The preparation is very simple, time is 10 minutes. Put the biscuits in a food processor, they must become dust, then remove and put together the flour coconut and mix adding a little 'tap water at a time, until dough is made as when the pastry for the tart. Take an aluminum pan I have stretched out with a rolling pin in the table and then I laid on the pan, then spread with nutella enough, I loved you like a sprinkling of coconut flour, it seemed to me to look at Pan's stars of the mill white, but I made a hit, the little ones of my friends told me nuvi do most delicious cake for my mom, fat little angels!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Why Is Everything Old Style In Fallout 3

The bill on wiretapping in addition to ending the freedom of the press, freedom of the press and in particular freedom of expression will also affect the network and all of us bloggers, with the introduction of 'obligation rettifica.Questo decree really affects all human rights and we can not hide behind the excuse of privacy, just a law prohibiting the publication of documents pertaining to the investigation but not considered life privata.I magistrates, law enforcement and all the components that ensure our security and especially the law, they need these tools for our good and for the sense of Paese.I journalists are not criminals, they do their work and want to remember that many reporters and journalists killed doing this work and it takes more than this categoria.Speriamo that you modify this bill and go back to a model that meets all privacy and freedom of expression. Back to us bloggers, Article 1, section 29 of the wiretapping bill would require "information sites" (hence the blog) 's obligation to reply within 48 hours, under penalty of up to 12,500 euro.com we all know the situation well, this rule becomes very difficult to apply to us amateur blogger, primarily because we are a newspaper and the updates are infrequent .. then if an goes on vacation and not check your email what happens? It is found to pay a fine of 12,500 euro.Questa is a 'no law to plug the mouth, even to the network, because the web bothers someone, we are sure to be a country of "democratic ? From queste leggi sembra proprio di no!La rete si è mobilitata per l'abolizione di questo emendamento ed è supportata da qualche partito politico.

Voglio segnalare la raccolta firme promossa dal Pd sul sito mobilitanti.it , lì troverete inoltre il banner che ho inserito nel post.Invito tutti gli amici blogger e gli amanti della libertà a far girare queste notizie sui propri blog, social network, email e tanto altro.

Vi lascio con questa citazione:"La libertà è la base di uno stato democratico."Aristotele

Friday, June 11, 2010

Atmosphere Character Auditions

Working Women Little Red Riding Hood

ultimo fine settimana utile per visitare la mostra Donne ex fabula

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What Does The Slang Word Bab Mean

ex Fabula first weekend

Sopravvissuti al primo primo fine settimana della nostra mostra di illustrazione posto alcune fotografie :)
trovate qui lo slide show

page on facebook
association Leop'art articles that speak of our shows

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Broken Capillaries On Infant

Women ex Fabula

We finally ... now in the finishing straight women shows ex Fabula Leop'art organized with the group, led by Antonella Canavese.
info on the site Donneexafabula

The program is still being updated, but over the shows are expected performances, workshops for children, watching the documentary "The Body of Women" and a meeting with Loredana Lipperini, the author of "More from the girls," from which I was inspired by the illustrations which I will explain.

The theme of the event is a reflection on women, born from the need to illustrate once more fairy tales, but with an eye to women and their role now, and the attention placed on new models that are being proposed by TV and cinema, before they literature.

The exhibition is sponsored by the City and the Province of Pisa in collaboration with Amnesty International and the Association "Women's House" in Pisa.

Women's Running Shirts Fun


alcune foto dell'allestimento all'interno dell'Urban Center di La Spezia e il disegno in piazza :)