Monday, January 31, 2011

Universal Remotes For Star Choice Sattelite

Message of the Rector Major at the 2011 MGS

Dear young people,

; greet you and trust you my immense joy sending this message. These are words and feelings that I get before the Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd. To ask her merciful heart to enlighten your mind, warm your heart and fill your life meaning and dynamism.
Every day you in my heart and pray unceasingly for you, yes, I pray for you, so to remain united to Christ and give myself totally to you is the orientation of the depths of my life. In this sense, I always pray for you and when, visiting the Salesian houses around the world, see your faces, I rejoice, and bless the Lord. In your eyes I read a very bright and cheerful desire to live and a hidden desire to make your life something beautiful. Of course you may be asking the question: what and how? It strikes me as most of you are still uncertain and confused, and I know that you do not expect anything from certain theories and programs. To answer your question, then, I can not do is speak from the heart of our father, Don Bosco. It is he who now speaks through me, it is he who takes care of your present life and the next, because he wants you happy on this earth and forever.

I would like to introduce you, dear young people, what made me realize, in a deeper every day, the sense of mia vita. Questo, per me, è scaturito ed ha trovato sviluppo attraverso l’incontro con una persona “viva”.
Questa è stata per me, anzitutto, mia mamma Margherita. Quando contemplavamo insieme un bel campo di grano maturo, ella mi diceva: «Ringraziamo il Signore, Giovannino. Egli è stato buono con noi. Ci ha dato il pane quotidiano». Dopo aver raccontato a lei il sogno che avrebbe segnato la mia vita, con l’intuizione che solo il cuore di una madre può percepire, esclamò: «Chissà che non abbia a diventare prete». Parole semplici, che mi facevano capire che Dio mi aveva sognato, che Dio aveva per me un sogno da realizzare, un disegno, a wonderful project, a love story that was weaving mysteriously and silently to myself, give my life to young people, for them and with them. All this made me dream big.
The religious sense of life my mother taught me not only in words but also with its examples, as when, awakened by neighbors in the middle of the night to rescue a seriously ill, he got up and hurriedly ran to bring her help. The same readiness and showed the same love when the beggar who knocked on the door, did not deny ever a piece of bread or a hot soup. I learned that it is not enough to dream, but you have to pay a price because the dreams come reality. From her I learned the simple gestures of piety, the habit of prayer, the fulfillment of duty and sacrifice. His loving presence reminded me that life is the most precious gift that God has given us and we ridargliela rich in fruits and good works.

Along my life, especially when I had to make important decisions, I met other people, enlightened by the Spirit, which helped me to understand that life is a vocation and commitment to donation, and have guided me listening to the call of the Lord and receiving the mission that He has entrusted me. This personal experience, I strongly convinced of the importance to young people, to find a place where you live and breathe the great human and Christian values, as well as the importance of meeting significant adults, capable of the spiritual leaders who claim to embody the values, appearing as witnesses credible and life patterns. Valdocco oratory of the family atmosphere that I had created was not that of a hothouse, a nest, where the shy and shivering could feel at ease, without getting rid of their narrow view of life. No! Valdocco had elaborated a laboratory culture of vocations. I was driving my kids to their actual maturity as men and Christians in the spirit of freedom of the gospel, doing so they became "people-to-others." The vigorous personality Valdocco grown to prove it: from Dominic Savio to the pioneer missionaries Michael Magone: Cagliero, Lasagna, Costamagna, Fagnano, and then Rua, Tree and Rinaldi, my first successors, and many other figures in high relief, Salesian priests and brothers, religious and lay people involved in society and the Church. There was an atmosphere of vocation, a desire to make your life a great gift to the Church and society. After me and many others lay Salesian Salesian Family made the same experience in their homes.

You too, young people can meet persone di riferimento in famiglia o nell’ambiente che vi circonda. Ci sono persone stupende, ricche umanamente e capaci di vivere e testimoniare una profonda spiritualità. Ad esse voi potete guardare come modelli concreti per la vostra vita. Sono sacerdoti, persone consacrate, laici e laiche che vivono con gioia la pienezza del battesimo. Guidati dallo Spirito e in ascolto della Parola di Dio, sono stati capaci di sviluppare la loro vita cristiana fino a fare delle scelte di vita coraggiose ed impegnative. Sono diventati così testimoni autentici di Cristo nella Chiesa e nella società.
Queste persone sono, per voi, un po’ come Giovanni Battista, testimoni e mediatori dell’incontro con The Baptist pointed to Jesus because Jesus of Nazareth to his disciples as one who could satisfy the deepest longings of their hearts, the One who could fill with meaning and joy of their life, the one that was truly "the Way, the Truth and life ". The witnesses today, we meet on our way, are "our John the Baptist." Those who, once again, show us the Lord of Life!
It so happens that not only the path of the believers, but the life of every man crosses a given time in the face and the eyes of Jesus and this meeting could be decisive. The encounter with Jesus in those early disciples to ad oggi, l’invito ha “catturato” molti giovani, uomini   e donne. «Abbiamo trovato il Messia» testimonierà Andrea a suo fratello Simone. «Abbiamo trovato Colui del quale hanno scritto Mosè e i profeti, Gesù di Nazareth», confesserà Filippo a Natanaele. «Da chi andremo? Solo Tu hai parole di vita eterna» gli dirà Pietro. Per tutti è stato, è e sarà un incontro che segna tutta la vita. Uno dei discepoli di Giovanni ricorda addirittura l’istante preciso dell’incontro con Gesù: «Erano circa le quattro del pomeriggio».
A voi, come a loro, Gesù rivolge la domanda di end: "What do you want?", or even better "Who do you want?". It remains bound by this question, penetrating the heart, goes to plumb the depths of our existence: one can not escape or be indifferent. The mystery of grace, then, moves our attitudes by making beggars response: "Teacher, where are you staying?". "Come and see," is the answer of Jesus And they came, they saw where he lived and stayed with him that day. A meeting, a personal relationship of friendship that fills our hearts and transforms lives, now as then. All those who meet him, his followers are strongly affected by the depth and fullness of his life. A life that is was and remains the model of a vocation lived with absolute fidelity to God and to men.

When you ask, dear young people, "what to do to give full meaning to life?", Look to the man who loved us even to give himself totally for us. He is the model for every project of life and the full and faithful response to every call, because he is a man intensely unified around a focal point. In him everything - all physical energy, mental, intellectual, emotional, strong-willed - is concentrated around a core that attracts and harmonizes everything he has and all that He is. It is not un “uomo farfalla” che si muove costantemente da un fiore all’altro nella ricerca di una bellezza effimera, ma è un “uomo roccia”, solidamente ancorato a un punto centrale di radicamento che unifica e armonizza la sua vita con la volontà del Padre, che orienta ogni suo gesto e ogni sua parola, che riempie la sua azione e la sua preghiera. Questo punto unificante attorno al quale si concentra tutta la sua persona è il suo grande sogno, un progetto di vasto respiro, la sua vocazione.
Una delle parabole da lui raccontate, quella dell’uomo che, mentre sta arando un campo, trova un tesoro e vende tutto ciò che ha per potersene impadronire, descrive molto well his personal condition: the dream that has really captured her heart because, as he himself says, "Where your treasure is there your heart."
Jesus lives with genuine passion for his dedication to the dream in his heart: the preaching and building the Kingdom of his Father, who wants all men to be saved and to reach the fullness of life. Its not a life lived in indifference or indolence. Instead, a life lived with intensity irrepressible. It is a life full of enthusiasm and dynamism. His words leave no doubt: "I came to bring fire on earth, and would that it were already acceso!». L’immagine del fuoco è molto espressiva, e dice dell’ardore con cui Egli persegue la causa che ha abbracciato.
Questo fuoco è lo Spirito Santo che ci fa nuovi, prima di tutto nella preghiera. Il frutto dello Spirito Santo è l’amore che si manifesta nella pace dentro di noi, nella gioia del nostro ambiente e nel dinamismo della nostra vita. Rinnovati dallo Spirito, diventiamo persone realizzate: pazienti, fedeli, impegnate.

Questo stesso fuoco, cari giovani, deve riscaldare il vostro cuore, oggi.
Non potete rassegnarvi a vivere la vostra life as if it were a simple life cycle (birth, grow, reproduce and die), you can not set your existence as a life devoid of energy, anemic, without passion towards God and neighbor. You can not waste your life by reducing the role of consumers and viewers. You are called to become actors in society and the Church: "You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, Jesus would say
The decision to follow Jesus in a radical way to play all the bets to be able to fall in love with God and spending for the man, especially the most poor and abandoned.
Sì, cari giovani! “Oggi” Dio ha bisogno di voi per “rifare” il mondo. Ogni uomo, ogni donna ha un sogno per cui vivere e di cui parlare. Io, mosso dallo Spirito di Gesù, ho sempre coltivato ed ancor oggi coltivo il mio sogno: un vasto movimento di adulti e giovani che sia profezia di questo nuovo mondo. Un mondo in cui ogni uomo possa ottenere giustizia. Un mondo in cui al centro ci siano i “piccoli”, gli ultimi. Un mondo in cui le persone siano, fra loro, fratelli e sorelle. Questo nuovo mondo può prendere forma, farsi reale, se seguite Gesù, se prendete a cuore le sue parole e realizzate così il sogno di Dio.
Tutti insieme possiamo give life to a great Salesian Movement, intended to help young people, especially the poorest and most in need, designing the present and the future, aiming for important for the renewal of ourselves and others, contributing significantly to change the world and history. The Salesian Family wants to take this commitment as a vocation and a special mission. And you, dear young people, this family must feel at home, knowing that you are the joy and the ripest fruit of our work.

Salesian Family in the Church and there are many vocations, but always the work of education and evangelization, to which we called, has its roots in the depth and tenderness of the love of God comes to us through the love of Christ and dedication to humanity through total dedication to other men and women. The vocation is never an escape from a hostile reality, perceived as difficult or frustrating, and even a choice that has as its primary objective the apostolic effectiveness, but rather a journey of love that leads to love. And the fundamental experience of love which has as its sole and exclusive, comes a new way to see and face reality. The heart purified by devotion to God and the Holy Spirit, becomes able to read the internal bellezza di ogni creatura e di amarla disinteressatamente. È la misericordia stessa di Dio che si impadronisce del cuore umano e si prende cura di ogni dolore, di ogni debolezza.

Io prego per voi, Cari Giovani, perché ancora oggi molti di voi si lascino sedurre, affascinare da Dio a tal punto da donarsi totalmente a Lui. Se vi mettete a servizio dell’Amore non vi mancheranno gioie profonde. Sono le gioie della fecondità che viene dalla intimità con Dio e dalla fatica dell’operaio che vive solo per la causa del Regno.
Prego anche per i miei figli diletti, i Salesiani, perché possano vivere con gioia e fedeltà the great adventure of spiritual fatherhood. May be your guides in the search for meaning and competent in the development of your project to life, sincere brothers who make your traveling companions and you break the word of God that gives life, light, comfort in the arduous journey. The Word which opens to prayer and secret that rekindles the fire in his heart. Without this capacity contemplative our spiritual and apostolic life does not hold. Be, Dear Salesians, enlightened guides for those seeking spiritual direction and engaged in ecclesial and sacramental life, teachers and scholars for patients who engages in the pursuit of their vocation.

Please, in particular, because the Holy Spirit will inspire workers zealous, creative, able to meet all those young people who today do not come knocking on more doors of the Church. These are young people who, on their way to the star, the Magi would like to meet rather than the scribes of Jerusalem, young people who do not ask us again what you have to believe, but rather what it means to believe. For this you need a real change of pastoral perspective.

Dear Young Salesians and beloved, say under the maternal gaze of Mary as a vocation in our lives and our educational mission. Mary was the one who has made a disciple of the Lord, listening constantly, in the heart and life, the Word of God was the one who answered the call of God with the total gift, brave and free, of itself, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord" . From her, the new woman, a teacher of faith and wonder, the Salesian Family learns to be a disciple of the Lord, "Mother," which, in love, create, and educates young people for their generous donation of life to reach the fullness.

Turin, January 31, 2011

Sac. John Bosco

Vigamox And Dilated Eyes

Happy Feast of St. John Bosco!

If you're reading this post almost certainly at least once in your life have you encountered and / or heard of Don Bosco and his oratory. Today, January 31, the date of his death, we celebrate him to thank him once again to have spent his whole life for us young people. It is still present among us, inspiring and consecrated lay people who invent and renew every day for us.
Beyond your belief and your faith, know that a man named John took care of all our problems. He did so in the nineteenth century, in Italy that saw many young people lose in the streets and become thieves and criminals. Today, Italy has changed, but still need support for us. Today we talk about insecurity, absence of youth policies, dependence, decay of values \u200b\u200b... we still need men and women take control of the situation to reverse.
If in your life just a moment x rejoiced in meeting you attend Don Bosco and his oratory, then today is the day to remember. And if you want to do more, noon to 17.00 Don Marcello, a Salesian of Catania, will celebrate Mass in his honor at the church of San Giovanni Evangelista (next to the hostel of the Village). Following a round table in the hall of the parish of Holy Stefano will involve the Mayor of P. Armerina, other politicians and young people and not in a panel discussion entitled: "Youth is the most valuable part of human society."

" Today is the day of the Salesians. Salesians in the world means not only being young in age but also in spirit! Don Tonino Bello, speaking to young people under the principles of Don Bosco, said that society and the future is us! Young critics! full of love! And to be critical must be able to love and pray! he places by the hatred of the enemy and to love as if it were iniziatelo il vostro fratello più piccolo! Perciò pregate per lui e pregherete per il Cielo, non vi sarà uomo più giusto di voi se farete questo! E la luce che illumina i nostri passi vincerà nel buio che li ostacola! W Don Bosco! "

" Se vuoi farti bono pratica queste tre cose e tutto andrà bene: allegria, studio e preghiera! E' questo il programma per vivere felici, farà molto bene all'anima tua e agli altri " (Don Bosco)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Does Beer Cause Gallbladder Attacks

Dear Don Bosco ... Don

Lettera a Don Bosco dei ragazzi dell'oratorio
salesiano di Piazza Armerina

Caro Don Bosco,
ti chiamiamo Padre, Maestro ed Amico della gioventù, quella gioventù da te tanto amata per cui hai speso l’intera esistenza. E continui a farlo ancora oggi, due secoli dopo, perché Dio tramite te ispira giovani e meno giovani disposti a spendersi per la stessa causa.
È grazie alla tua forza, alla tua determinazione ma soprattutto alla tua fede che oggi siamo qui come Famiglia Salesiana, uniti e allegri come ci vuoi tu, a festeggiarti e ringraziarti; perché se tu per primo non ci avessi dato l’esempio, vincendo ogni difficoltà e perseverando per salvare le anime dei giovani, noi già we gave up.
not be here with you to begin the tenth year of experience lay Salesian. A company, like ours, that ten years ago to create doubts and uncertainty, but that has been confirmed, day after day, young people God has sent to your home, this house.
is also true that not done anything so innovative: you yourself have had the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bmobilizing the laity into the ministry. You call them employees, now called the Salesian Cooperators. Many people fall in love with you thanks to them and thanks to the devoted and the reality of so many other young Salesian. How wonderful to love God through young! How wonderful to feel at home, family, united for the same mission!
In all these years there has always been close to your phrase: "To get the roses, you know, meet the thorns, but thorns there is always a rose." There were thorns, to be honest, we did not expect: who should find themselves hampered by a guide of faith we displace. The research divisions from those who should preach unity saddens us.
Several times we had to call in question, we had to revise our ideas, usually without realizing what was wrong with them.
I have you here, Father, for you to the many questions that are difficult to answer. I want you here in our small town of P. Armerina and I would carry among young people because you meet them and they meet you. Takes you to the chalet, including pubs and streets, and I know you would you come with me and we would have a little word to each ear, young man, more responsible than naive, than that which seeks God in what you feel lost has lost his faith. But you lived two centuries ago, here, now, we are there. And symbolically carried in procession to the house we would like the Mother that you taught us to call Help, Please keep us all in his mantle and to teach us to be a guide for young people, all young people! See us prevent this, leaves us disappointed.
Father, to be honest, you also wanted to bring in a procession, per dirti “Scendi nelle strade, scendi ancora!”. Anche questo non si può fare. Perché?
Sai cos’è che nonostante tutto ci da forza? Ricorrere al tuo esempio. Anche tu hai trovato spine laddove cercavi braccia che potessero aiutarti. A te è andata anche peggio, hanno tentato di ucciderti! Ma Dio ha manifestato il suo amore proteggendoti e illuminandoti continuamente, tu ci hai messo il “si” quotidiano e una buona dose di ottimismo.
Con lo stesso ottimismo e con fede, dunque, ci rivolgiamo a Dio per mezzo tuo, affinché possa farci capire quale sia la strada da seguire, quali siano le condizioni da accettare con ubbidienza e quali, invece, siano da cambiare con coraggio, sempre per la Sua gloria e mai per la nostra.
C’è un giardino di rose bellissimo in questa città, ogni rosa è un giovane che la abita e noi vogliamo essere per loro dei buoni giardinieri.
Implora Dio per noi perché renda i nostri cuori pazienti e accoglienti, in quanto uno solo è il nostro desiderio: raggiungerti insieme ai tuoi figli in Paradiso.

I giovani dell’Oratorio Salesiano di Piazza Armerina

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My String Keeps Popping Out Of The Nut

Bosco: The story continues ... (First part)

Trestle Table Seating Plan

Don Bosco: the story continues ... (Part two) Don Bosco today

Yeast Infection Intercourse Pain

How To Build A Atv Disk Plow

Letter to my students and alumni for the Memorial Day and every day to remind

Dear Guys,
these days I watched videos and films about the Holocaust to prepare for the "Memorial Day" and I took photos of my trips to Auschwitz and Dachau, two camps , the first in Poland, the second in Germany. "At Auschwitz many people, but one big silence is strange I still can not smile here in the wind, smiling in the wind here," are the words of a song by Frank Sinatra, who remind me of the intense silence of those places even in the midst of so many visitors, a silence that makes noise that bothers it forces you to think, to stop, to remain silent, to pray, to reflect, to be moved. Yes, Dear, a professor cries, suffers, feels inadequate, helpless, as there is between those avenues someone who can only be said to be immune from the pain for his role, knowledge, qualifications for, the fame, for money. I do not need, having been in concentration camps, for me to see films that deal with these issues, because I impressed on my heart and mind as I tried in person, but awareness is not presumption. I do not cry much, at least externally, but when this happens, then, there is always a tear for the deportees, their families, their friends, there is sempre una lacrima per tutti i deportati e perseguitati di oggi in tutto il mondo, quel mondo che ben poco ha imparato dalla Memoria. Scrive Etty Hillesum, morta ad Auschwitz nel 1943 a 29 anni: «Ho affrontato questo dolore, molti interrogativi hanno trovato risposta, l’assurdità ha ceduto il posto ad un po’ più di ordine e di coerenza: ora posso andare avanti di nuovo. È stata un’altra breve ma violenta battaglia, ne sono uscita con un pezzetto di maturità in più. Mi sento come un piccolo campo di battaglia su cui si combattono i problemi o alcuni problemi del nostro tempo. L’unica cosa che si può fare è offrirsi umilmente come campo di battaglia. Quei problemi devono even find accommodation in somewhere where they can fight and die down and we must open our inner space without their escape. " Dear children, do not flee from suffering, it can only receive, carry, deal with it every day as a brave soldier who knows that life is precious, but at the same time it acquires more value when it is given. Growing up does this mean and, in 35 years if I continue to grow and learn, to dream and to struggle, to fall and get up, I am sure you can do it for you and your family you grow physically and nature on your side , you have to learn how schools, universities, libraries, internet, you have to dream love, music, sports, you have to fight the fire of your age, passions, desires, you have to drop the negative examples and discouragement, to stand up who loves you and a great attachment to life. Why write these words now? What to do with the memory of the Holocaust? I will help in the words of Hannah Arendt, a German thinker of Jewish origin forced to flee Nazi persecution, " Indeed, it is my belief that evil can never be radical, but only extreme, and who have neither a depth nor demonic dimension. It can coat the entire world and destroy it, precisely because it spreads like a fungus on its surface. It is a challenge to thought, because thought he wants to go down, try to get to the roots of things, and when that is interested in evil is frustrated, because there is nothing. This is the banality. Only the good has depth and can be radical. " I believe in your ability to get to the heart of things, touching the deep roots of the Well, "suck the marrow of life," the banality of change in responsibility, sacrifice, commitment, content, action, love, a gift. So it makes sense to remember, because it is like to study history from books or from a DVD, or how to make a memorial or a nostalgic memories of the past, to commemorate with you, that you are alive, strong, special, determined, good-hearted, it means giving a different approach to this and a prophetic vision about the future because we can construct, starting with ourselves, "Well Deep and radical "in the family, study with friends, with Profs. with loved ones, with those who are immigrants, the poor, the lonely, the sick, those who think differently, those who have other skills, who Please God another Etty Hillesum writes: " We must pray with all my heart that something good will happen until the provision to keep this a good thing. Although the makes us hate our degenerate into beasts as they are, will come to nothing. " She writes in the midst of atrocity and death, the "banality of evil", she writes it for me and for you, because his "we must pray that something good happens" is realized as a prayer today, will become common commitment to transform memory in action, in real life, in women and men of good will who no longer need someone to remind him of Auschwitz or Dachau, because we have them tattooed in their hearts. Courage and hope, dear children, because even in those places of extermination, there were people such as Father Maximilian Kolbe who offered his life to save a family, There have been men and women who have transformed the horror in love!
Marco Pappalardo

Bottomless Party Harold


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

American Masterbation

ASD PGS "Blue Star" from 1983: 2nd day party for the "Bells" Piazzesi

ASD PGS "Blue Star" from 1983: 2nd day party for the "Bells" Piazzesi : "To start in the best way Salesian week ending Monday, January 31 with the celebration of Don Bosco, the committees ..."

Does Anyone Have The Liberty

Tournament Don Bosco 27 \u200b\u200bJanuary

To learn more, visit the blog

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Long After Shaving Can You Wax

Agostino Sella: Thursday, Jan. 27 TOURNAMENT DON BOSCO between Azz Stars ...

Agostino Sella: Thursday, Jan. 27 TOURNAMENT DON BOSCO between Azz Stars ... : "The sports association of the Salesian Family piazzese, the PGS work of Blue Star Via Garibaldi and the Sun Moon PGS Parro ..."

What Do You Call A Day Dream That Occurs At Night

ASD PGS "Blue Star" from 1983: The Triduum celebrates the Salesian Family of Don Bos ...

ASD PGS "Blue Star" from 1983: The Triduum celebrates the Salesian Family of Don Bos ... : "The Salesian Family is already anxiously waiting for the celebration of their founding father, St. John Bosco, which is celebrated as usual ..."

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sample Welcome New Doctor Letter

But just because a Salesian? Here is the answer! Laura Vicuna

Don Bosco was inspired in his life, St. Francis de Sales, the saint of gentleness. Hence the name of the Salesians.
Simone suggests some beautiful phrases of this saint.
To know more click here .

The kindness is nothing but the essence of true and sincere friendship.
It is love that gives the value and price to all our actions.
The farmer will never be blamed if he is not well cultivated and planted the land.
It can not be doing so well that it is better to do more.
We only want to do well today, and tomorrow when the day comes, will be named today, too, and then we'll do.
Nothing is impossible to love.
love well enough to say well.
Large projects do not realize that by dint of patience and perseverance.
must do everything for love and nothing by force.
We must not stop at good when we can get better.
must have patience with everyone, and above all with yourself.
Do not sow your wishes in the garden of another, well your only grown.
not want to not be what you are, but you want to be very well what you are.
must bear the other, but you have to pay yourself first.
must hurry without fuss, without caring concern.
is what a happy meeting of two spirits who do not love that the best We continue to love God
grow well only because there is no land so ungrateful that the love of the farmer is not fruitful.
for charity there is no punishment that is not well loved.
There is no greater way to say it hurt too much to say.
The time it takes most useful when it is used safely.
Keep your heart warm and good neighbor. The first rose
produce thorns and roses.
Try to do well today without thinking about the next day, then the next day, try to do the same.
Be patient to walk in little steps until you have legs to run, or rather wings to fly.
What is best in our garden, there are plugs for the roses, or that there are not all roses have thorns for?
We must fight evil with good, the bitterness with sweetness.
must say ... very silent.
We always enough when we do well.
Who has won the heart of man, the man has won everything.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

6 Days Before Period Lots Of Mucus

Today we remember: a strong yes to life!

Surely Laura today gladly sing the chorus of the song by Nek ...
" and hence there is nothing more natural than to stop a time to think that life is the most beautiful thing I have! .
A life lived in fullness and joy that only comes from the Lord are true. Laura, in a few years, he understood, this has become an example for us. But what that was so important to the small holy Salesian??
Read here!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Do Gay Men Cruise


HELLO TO ALL BACK TO February Southern Hemisphere ... I go on vacation ....

Monday, January 10, 2011 On My Ipod

Cereal from prehistory to the present


In prehistoric times, during the Neolithic, people began to cultivate the first cereals, which were used to integration of a diet consisting mainly of products of hunting and gathering wild fruits. Archaeobotanical and archaeological discoveries have brought to light in the caves cereal grains and stones che venivano utilizzate per la macinatura. Si otteneva una sorta di farina, dall'aspetto scuro e granuloso; questa veniva poi mescolata con l'acqua a formare un composto che si suppone venisse consumato crudo. Probabilmente il caso volle che questo impasto, lasciato inavvertitamente vicino al fuoco, si indurisse: dalla cottura su superfici roventi nacquero i primi pani senza lievito.

Friday, January 7, 2011

What To Wear To A Naval Retirement Ceremony

Spaghetti alla carbonara with saffron

( immagine presa da internet)
Buongiorno e auguro a tutti Buon Anno! Questo è il mio primo post che scrivo del gennaio 2011, il giorno dell'epifania ho provato questa ricettina a olio crudo e zafferano, questa ricetta contiene less fat than traditional spaghetti alla carbonara.

Serves 4

spaghetti 300 gr

150 grams of bacon

2 sachets of saffron

1 onion, extra virgin olive oil





In a saucepan, saute the bacon, then toglietella and use the same pot and put a sliced \u200b\u200bonion with a diluted nut cooked in a little water, when it is ready add the bacon. In between cooked spaghetti. The spaghetti should be al dente drain and toss with the saffron diluted in a tablespoon of cooking water, then add the bacon with the onion and pepper pecorino cheese and olive oil .... I tried this recipe that I found on the packaging spice, very good


true saffron (Crocus sativus) is a plant of the family Iridaceae . Bred in Asia Minor and in many states of the Mediterranean basin . In Italy larger crops are in Marche in Abruzzo and Sardinia , other growing areas of note are in Umbria and Tuscany . From trifid stigma we get the spice called "saffron", used in cooking and in some medicinal preparations.
The word saffron comes from the Latin word
safranum, which in turn derives from the 'Arab zafaran (زعفران) (by Asfar (أصفر), which means "yellow ).

The plant is a Iridacee and belongs to the genus Crocus which includes about 80 species. The mature plant consists of a bulb-tuber a diameter of about 5 cm. The bulb contains about 20 undifferentiated buds from which arise all the organs of the plant, but typically are only 3 major gems that give rise to flowers and leaves, while other, smaller, produce only minor bulbs. During vegetative growth from the buds of the main bulb grow jets, one for each gem, so that each bulb will sprout from about 2 or 3. The jets emerge from the ground wrapped in a white, hard protective cuticle, which allows the plant to pierce the crust of the earth. The jet contains
leaves and flowers almost fully developed, once it has cleared the ground opens and allows the leaves to elongate and the flower to open completely.
The flower of the saffron is a
perigonium made up of 6 petals deep violet color. The male part consists of 3 yellow anthers in which pollen is placed. The female part is formed from the ovary, style and stigmas. Ovary, located at the base of the bulb, it gives rise to a long-styled yellow that after traveling around the jet reaches the base of the flower, here is divided into 3 long stamens deep red. The leaves of Crocus sativus
are very narrow and elongated. Usually reach a length of 30/35 cm, and never exceed the width of 5 mm. The
Crocus sativus is a triploid plant sterile
, is the result of intensive artificial selection of a species native to the island of Crete the Crocus cartwrightianus . A selection implemented by farmers trying to improve the production of stigmas. Its genetic structure makes it incapable of generating fertile seeds, so their reproduction is possible only for cloning the mother bulb and its spread is closely related to plant care umana.La enter into vegetative stasis in summer between June and September . In the early days of October are originated from the bulb 2 or 3 Spathes white, covered with a layer of hard coats, Spathes from leaking out of the ground about 10 bunches of leaves . At the end of the month, among the leaves, peep the first flowers. The vegetative activity slows during the winter and then resume in late March when the plant produces new bulbs. From May the leaves begin to dry out gradually, in June the new bulbs have accumulated the material stock and enter into stasis vegetativa.La plant Saffron is well suited to climates characterized by average rainfall is not very high (300-400 mm annually), typical of Spain and Greece . Tolerate even the wettest climates, as in Kashmir, where the index is very intense rainfall (1500-2000 mm annually). What the farmers need to absolutely avoid stagnation of water are very harmful to plant growth, which is why cultivation on steep terrain is slightly preferable to a flat-field. To avoid low permeability soils and heavy, only to face a growing on sandy soil or clay, with a good drenatura and highly porous.
bears rigid winter temperatures, even below 0 thermal, the bulbs begin to suffer when the
thermometer drops below 12 ° less centigrade. The Crocus sativus tolerate even short periods of snow and frost. During the summer, when the plant is being retired , high temperatures do not create any problems with the bulb.
The cultivation techniques used are divided into:
annual crop cultivation technique of multi-year Consiste nel prelevare dal terreno i bulbi-tuberi al termine di ogni ciclo vegetativo, quindi in estate, per poi rimetterli a dimora in un appezzamento di terreno differente da quello precedente. Questa tecnica è la più laboriosa ed impegnativa dal punto di vista del lavoro umano ma consente di ottenere una migliore qualità della spezia e dà la possibilità al coltivatore di poter controllare ogni anno lo stato di salute dei propri bulbi. La richiesta di manodopera ha un impatto notevole su questo tipo di coltivazione perché le procedure di lavorazione non sono facilmente meccanizzabili. Soltanto la lavorazione del terreno può essere svolta grazie all'utilizzo di
macchine motocoltivatrici ; tutto Moreover, from picking to stay put in the bulbs, is implemented through manual labor. In July
or August the bulbs are harvested from the ground operation in which they often use small picks or hoes, so you can extract the bulbs without damaging them. That same day the external fat of the bulbs, a process that includes the removal of the tunic of the bulb and the elimination of the old bulbs too small to be used in the new crop. The bulbs will be replanted so prepared a few days later.
is adopted in cultured Italian Abruzzo, Tuscany e dell'Umbria. All'estero non viene praticamente utilizzata.
Vantaggi della coltura annuale:
Rotazione della coltura: si forniscono maggiori risorse alla pianta, per questo motivo si ricavano stimmi molto più lunghi e pregiati.
Controllo dei parassiti: prelevando ogni anno i bulbi si ha la possibilità di verificare se ci sono delle piante malate, separandole dalle altre si evita una possibile diffusione del parassita.
Migliore preparazione del terreno: il terreno su cui verrà preparata la nuova coltivazione è scelto in base ai requisiti richiesti dalla pianta. Nella primavera precedente alla messa in dimora dei bulbi il terreno è preparato con una corretta aratura di 30 cm di profondità. Contemporaneamente all'aratura to fertilize the soil with cattle manure in doses of about 300
q / has .
control weeds by
: the preparation of the new medium allows the farmer to eliminate almost completely the presence of weeds.
Better distribution of bulbs: Each year the bulbs can be redistributed into the ground properly. In general, the plantation type is composed of more deep furrows around 15/20cm, the bulbs they sell at the base of the groove at a distance of 1cm from each other. Each groove is 30 cm away on the other hand, once covered is called the row. 4 files together are called bed, each bed is separated from the other by a groove passing at least 20cm deep and 40cm wide. The furrows between the beds are designed to allow the passage of farmers and should be especially valuable for channeling stormwater runoff.
Excessive demand for labor: a lot of work during the summer between July and August, that is when the bulbs are procured, tested and put back to home.
higher price of spice: as a direct consequence of the increased use of labor cost of the finished product is higher. The most common method of saffron-producing countries, provides that the bulbs are taken from the ground any given period of years. The plant will then stay in the same plantation for several years in a row. In Sardinia, the period is 4 years,
Greece the bulbs are taken every seven years.
In these crops, soil preparation techniques are the same as in the cultivation year. The only difference is the placement of the bulbs in the furrow, this fact must be placed at a distance of about 12cm, to make room for new bulbs that are formed over the years.
lower operating costs in terms of labor, the land for replanting is prepared every 4 years minimum.
lower operating costs: no need to have the availability of lot of ground.
the plant has less resources: despite a good fertilization of the plant Crocus will have fewer resources from the ground each year. This translates into a quality lower than that of the spice from an annual crop.
Danger of parasites in controlling the spread of parasites is more complicated, the diseased plants should be identified and eliminated among others. The spice produced from Crocus sativus contains about 150 volatile aromatic substances. In addition, saffron is one of the foods richest in carotenoids
, in fact, contains substances such as: Zeaxanthin the Lycopene and many alpha-beta carotenes .
The yellow-gold color, the spice that gives food, is due to dell'α-
crocin . This compound is the result of the esterification reaction between β-D- gentiobiosio and carotenoid crocetin . The presence of glucose crocin gives the ownership of a water-soluble compound . At the same time, the presence of crocetin, a polyene containing a carboxylic group , makes a compound crocin hydrophobic , and fat soluble. Saffron also contains vitamins A , B1 and B2 . The bulb of the saffron is very sensitive to the action of fungi. A bulb-infested Fusarium oxysporum fails to generate flowers and fades quickly. To prevent the entire crop is infested and should immediately delete the bulbs sick, or resorting to the care of the bulbs with fungicide products.
Another danger for the cultivation of saffron is represented by the wild animals that eat the bulb as the
mouse, the rat , the 'porcupine and boar . The mouse is not able to dig the ground, but it is very dangerous when the bulbs are taken from the ground and kept waiting for the new crop. The porcupine and wild boar are capable of digging the soil, the presence of these animals makes it so necessary to build a good fence to protect the coltura.Un time with saffron, which one uses the stigmas, were attributed to property antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative. Today, however, were found compounds abortion and the use of 20 g. a day of saffron can be fatal in any previous therapeutic indications are decadute.L 'use of saffron may also cause side effects such as dizziness , numbness and reduction of bleeding from the number of platelets (thrombocytopenia ) and hypoprothrombinemia (decreased prothrombin ).
Saffron, currently, is only used by the food and cuisine as a spice
or dye , although it is rich in carotenoids which reduce cell damage caused by free radicals. [1] . One of its uses in the most typical Italian cuisine is the risotto alla Milanese or "yellow rice", so well known precisely for la colorazione che lo zafferano dà alla ricetta.